Why Go scheduler uses GMP

March 4, 2020

The most beautiful feature I like in Go is goroutine, which is a simple and powerful language level concurrency mechanism. I prefer to write Python code than Go. But speak of concurrency, goroutine is more intuitive and easy to understand than yield and asyncio in Python. And performance is better in theory.

To manage goroutines, Go has it’s own scheduler and you propably already know there is a GMP model which Go sheduler is using. When I read articles about how Go scheduler works, A question come to my mind that why there is a P? and why not just map goroutines(G) to OS threads(M) directly?

After reading more documents, I find at beginning when Go just release 1.0, there is no P but with a few performances issues in the scheduler. And in Go 1.1 a new scheduler was added and since then the GMP model is used in the scheduler. Here is a original design doc.

There are four issues mentioned in the document about the scheduler without P

  1. Single global mutex and centralized state
  2. Goroutine hand-off
  3. Per-M memory cahce
  4. Aggresive thread blocking/unblocking

The scheduler has to use mutex to maintain a centralized state of all goroutines which inhibits scalability. Goroutines are hand-off in different threads which increased latencies and additional overheads. Only running threads(M) need cache, when a thread(M) is blocked in system call, it doesn’t need so much resources. Because of the system call a thread can be blocked and unblocked very often, this adds a lot of overhead to schedule goroutines.

To solve the issues above. A notion of P(Processors) was introduced into runtime. so now we have M which represents OS thread, P represents a resource to execute Go code. P is in the middle of G and M. P will continue get next runable G in its run queue and run it in M. and when M is idle or in syscall, it doesn’t need a P.

By introducing P, the shceduler can have decentralize run queue which is bind to every P, the resources for running a G is only exist in P and blocked/unblocked threads can be handled more efficiency.




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